Northwest University hosts award ceremony for intl translation competition

The award ceremony for the 9th Competition for the Helen Foster Snow Translation Award was held at Northwest University in Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi province, on Sept 21.

Helen Foster Snow (1907-97) was a well-known American journalist, writer, and social activist. She was a faithful friend of China who braved gunfire during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45) to reach Yan'an from Xi'an, and told the true story of China to the world.

Initiated in 2002, the international award's purpose is to promote mutual understanding and friendship between China and the United States, to carry forward Helen Foster Snow's legacy of "bringing", and to raise interest in translation among college students and discover talented young translators.

The competition received 1,773 translation articles from students of 419 colleges and universities at home and abroad. After evaluation by experts on the organizing committee, 47 students were awarded.

After the award ceremony, participants also visited the China-US friendship monument and a photo exhibition on Helen Foster Snow held at Northwest University.


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